NEX fun Bowlnig & Arcade ?

Started by Disneyana, July 16, 2006, 02:43:40 PM

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Hello !
On the great DLRPMagic website I read about the Nex Bowling & Arcade. Can anyone tell me a bit more about it. Like what are the costs for the games and for bowling ? Is it family friendly ? And is it necessary to know exactly how to bowl ? I never bowled before but I guess it would be great fun. And why there is that much to do in DV I guess the Nex Arcade maybe is a good option. What's your opinion about it ?
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"



It's definitely family friendly, and you don't need to know how to bowl!  It's not a proper bowling alley anyway, it's a smaller arcade-style version, so it's even easier for someone who's never been bowling before (or is totally rubbish at it like me).

I've not been in there myself, but I had a good nosey around outside with Patrick back in April and it looked very cool.  Not at all busy, and they had security on the door I think, which is good if you've got kids with you.

I'm not sure how much it costs, sorry.  Maybe someone who's actually been in there can let you know more. :wink:


Oh thank you for the info. So maybe I will try it out.  :wink:
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"